A Christchurch deck builder to bring your outdoor ideas to life.

Get your deck sorted.


You dream it.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want a deck for entertaining or a space for relaxing outdoors. Perhaps your future deck will double as an entranceway, or with steps flowing out to the garden. We’ll set about bringing your concept and ideas to life!


We build it.

Building a deck on a flat Christchurch property, or up in the hills? Wherever you are, building a deck for your Christchurch property is all about extra living space that is structurally sound and looks fantastic. Whatever you're wanting, we’re up for the job.


You’ll love it.

After building a deck it’s the finishing touches that make it feel like home. Hard landscaping like decks and fences are well-paired with soft landscaping like bushes, shrubs, and flowers. Take the hard edge off your deck with some plant surrounds.


With quality materials and workmanship, the result is a beautifully functional deck.


We’ve been building decks in Christchurch for 20 years.

We’ve delivered custom decks starting from an idea, a magazine picture, or working from formal plans. We can even take care of end-to-end outdoor living space transformation with site clearing, lawn and groundwork services, landscaping, and planter boxes.

Deck FAQs

What decking materials do you work with?

We work with pine, hardwoods, and vinyl or composite decking. We’re all about building a deck that suits your budget, your property, and your ideas. Sometimes a dark hardwood look can be achieved on a lower budget with pine and the right stain.

Will my deck require consent?

It depends on factors such as the location, deck height, deck size and distance to the boundary. While all decks must comply with the Building Code, often low and small decks or renovations on an existing deck do not require consent. If you’re uncertain what consents you require, calling the Christchurch Council or an onsite chat with us is the best way to move forward.

What do I need to consider about stairs on my deck?

If your deck is higher than 200mm off the ground, you’ll likely need a step or stairs. While there’s a bunch of Building Code rules to comply with in relation to things like step height and depth, we can take care of all of that. We’ll need your ideas on how you want it to look - such as the width of the deck step/stairs, and where you want to place them.

What do I need to consider about railings for my deck?

A railing is required by law if a 1m+ fall is possible from any point on the deck. While there are various rules and exceptions around this, your brainpower is best spent considering which material (timber, aluminium, glass, composite, or a combo) and what design you want your deck railings to be.

Note that for non-residential decks, handrails for accessibility must also be installed.

Get your deck project started today!